I am finally getting to the beach pictures! I was hoping to have this post done much earlier, but I got behind when a lightning strike took out not only our modem and wireless router, but also our oven, microwave, and worst of all, our air conditioner. It took a week to get everything back up and running. We did have our AC back fairly quickly, but not before we had to stay one night in a hotel because of the heat. Once everything was back to normal, we had to start getting ready for Will's birthday. He turned four yesterday, so my next blog post will be new four-year-old Will photos. In the meantime, here are some pictures from our beach vacation. I picked Jon up on our sixth anniversary, July 31st. He flew in to the huge Fayetville, NC airport, and we proceeded to join his family at the beach. We shared a house at Cherry Grove with Jon's parents (Ed and Caren aka Grandma and Granddad), his sister Wendy, her husband Geoff, and their two boys, Brady and Zach. They each invited friends, one of which was Jon's cousin, Joanna. We also got to spend the week with Wendy's lifelong friend, Lora, Lora's husband Gary, and their daughter, Ashleigh. SO it was a full house, but Will and Brighton had all kinds of playmates, which they loved! Will was completely enamored with Ashleigh, and he followed Zach around like a puppy dog. It was a very fun week and a fantastic vacation spot! Thanks Grandma and Granddad (Popes and Kites too)!

We had a great time doing all sorts of beach activities.

Daddy got to "relax" (relax=playing with Will constantly and sometimes both Will and Brighton)
Will, Daddy, and Brighton had help from Brady, Zach, and Ashleigh digging holes that were quickly washed away by the tide.

Will tried a little boogey boarding.
Will collecting shells with Grandma and Granddad.
Time-out for a belly bump.
Brighton and Mommy smile for the camera. We spent lots of quality time together.
Brighton and Mommy waiting on "The Big One"
Brighton and Mommy swimming in the shallow water.
Brighton giving Mommy a shower.
I did get a little time to myself. The surf reminded me of childhood vacations to Ocean Isle Beach where my dad taught me to ride the waves like a pro (a pro canvas-float rider, of course)
Wendy, Geoff, and Joanna need to learn that no one is safe when Jon gets his camera out.
Will and Zach racing--cue theme from "Chariots of Fire"
Ashleigh joined in the race to the tide pool.
Will needed a short rest and then...
...let the fun resume.
Will gets airborne :)
I've seen that look before...watch out!
Here she comes!!!!
Will even got Uncle Geoff in on the fun.
Will and Brighton's audience. We walked to the inlet in the evening. It was fun relaxing in the huge tide pools. And the beach was so wide! The kids had a ball.
The only inside picture I have! This one came from Grandma's camera, and Grandma was very happy to be with four out of six of her grandkids. The week was full of activity, and by the time we got all cleaned up, we forgot to take pictures!

So much activity made for very sleepy kids...beach naps are the best!