Monday, March 9, 2009

All the Schus in Schuville...

have been very busy!! Brighton has been busy turning 4 months old. She had a visit to the doctor, which went very well. We switched doctors since I had not been happy with the doctor we chose when we first moved down here. The kids' new doctor is much better, and I am so much happier having found one that I can trust and who trusts me as a parent! Brighton weighs 16.1 lbs and is 26 1/4 inches long now. The doctor said she is about two months ahead in size and development. She can sit up in the tripod position already! She is still a very happy baby, but she is not sleeping through the night yet. She does go to sleep on her own for naptime, but she requires more attention (rocking, nursing, swaying, even Mommy doing lunges) at night.
Will has been busy completing an intense potty training marathon! He is going to the potty now, and has not had an accident of either sort in four days! He is wearing big boy underpants even to bed at night!!!! I created a chart for him in which he could earn a car. He earned one sticker for everytime he went to the potty, and twenty stickers earned Wingo (the car that he wanted). He was more successful than I was anticipating! I think I should've made it thirty or forty stickers! He is wearing underpants when we go out too, and he has not had any accidents. I took him to the potty during church, and he was completely fine to go weewee on the "big church potty."
Speaking of church, I am happy to say that we have found a church that we like and will eventually make our church home. It is Faith Presbyterian Chuch in Covington. It is a smaller congregation, but there are many families in our age group. They have a great program for children (starting at age 3) where they stay in the service until right before the sermon. Then, the pastor invites the children to the front of the church where they listen to a children's sermon and then proceed to children's church where they do follow-up activities. Will is only 2 1/2, so he gets a little Sunday School lesson, and then stays in the nursery, or he can come into church for a short while too. I will be excited when he can participate in the children's sermon because it's really cute to listen to the little ones making comments to the pastor :)Jon was able to go with us this Sunday because he did not go into work, despite the fact that he has much to accomplish in the coming days and weeks. He is very busy preparing the NOLA branch for the Warehouse Management System roll-out. He will be having to work every weekend this month, which means that I will be alone with the kids quite a bit. We are both looking forward to the month of April when we can spend some family time once again! Until then, we appreciate the prayers as we get through the strain of time apart.:)

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