Friday, June 5, 2009

Exciting Times...

Today Brighton is seven months old! She has one tooth in and the next tooth is almost in. She is sitting up so well now that I can leave her alone and know that she won't tip over. We've gotten to the point where she will sit in the playroom floor with her brother and play with his toys. Will is learning how to share even more now. There are many toys that he has probably grown out of, but because his sister has taken an interest in them, he has become interested in them again. It is wonderful to watch them actually play together. I received many warnings about how tough it is to have two children, and it is true that sometimes things are twice as hard. But I have to say, that many times, Will makes it easier to have a baby. He constantly wants to be with Brighton. He runs for the "spittys rag" everytime I need it. He even wants to be the first at her bedside when she wakes up. With all of the rainy days lately, we've been spending a lot of time in the playroom (which we are very blessed to have) and Will tries to include Brighton in as much of his playtime as possible. There are still times with he gets jealous of her, but he is so accustomed to her now that the green monster rarely appears.
Brighton is still not into solid foods much. I haven't given up, but I try to feed her different things every few days. She is not losing weight and still nurses like the chubbster she is!
June is an inventory month at Ferguson, and Jon's work overload has already begun. He had to organize the yard sale this week, and he will be putting in even more work as the end of the month nears. I will be teaching at the St. Tammany Home-educators Association Co-op this fall, so I have been getting my thoughts and resources organized lately. I'm looking forward to the opportunity to teach again. I will also be homeschooling Will more often next year, and I plan on having a more structured curriculum for him this time around. Right now, if you ask Will about school, he will tell you that he is going to Bible school. He is looking forward to being able to attend Vacation Bible School at the church we've been attending. It starts on Monday, and I will be staying with him while he is there.
Our lives are not overly exciting these days, but I was reminded of a simple truth this morning from the newsletter that our church sends out. In the article, the author states, "What is it then, that gives our work value? It is simply that God Himself declares it to be important, that God desires our service in the whole of our lives, and that we are to present everything to Him in order to serve Him." As I change another stinky diaper or pretend to be Chick Hicks in yet another imaginary race, I can be satisfied knowing that even this is important to God. That makes me smile :)

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