Thursday, January 22, 2009

cold days

I can't believe how cold it's been down here! I would've thought we'd be exempt from the extreme temperatures that the rest of the country has been dealing with. We've actually had a few days of hard freeze, which hopefully means that perhaps the pre-historic sized mosquitos have met their demise. One can only hope! We are supposed to be back in the 70's this coming week. Mom and Dad will be driving down this weekend to visit with us. Jon has inventory, and I am having a birthday, so they've decided to keep us company while Jon is busy. I am excited to see them since it's been almost three months! We had a nice visit with Ed and Caren over the weekend. Despite their flight delay woes, they were able to spend some quality time with both kids and us.

Will's arm seems to be healing nicely. We can't keep him from using it at this point. He will be going to an orthopedist on Monday for more x-rays. He does not seem to be in any pain, and he is no longer running a fever. I'm not sure what the fever was from, but I have a feeling it was his body's reaction to pain since he really didn't have any other symptoms. He is up to his old tricks, and it has been exhausting trying to keep him from re-injuring himself!

Brighton is all full of smiles these days. She has been laughing (which results in hiccups) and smiling with any attention that she gets. She is lifting her head up nicely and has even been rolling over! I unfortunately discovered this when she rolled out of her boppy onto the floor! She was fine-just a little scared, but I felt my dreams of getting mother of the year slip away. :) I also think I lost a few years off my life!! She is not yet sleeping through the night, but she sleeps better than Will slept at this age, so here's hoping! I don't have any new pictures to post (Grandma took a few with her camera this weekend), but I'm sure I'll be able to post some after the weekend. Love to all--and a big Happy Birthday to Cecile, Heather, and Victoria!!

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Photo tag

I have been tagged by my friend Chantry, whose daughter Lilianne, is two days younger than Brighton, to particpate in a photo tag. Here's how it works:
1.Go to the 4th folder in your computer where you store your pictures.
2.Pick the 4th picture in that folder.
3.Explain the picture.
4.Tag 4 people to do the same.

Photo tag

Photo tag

This picture is Jon with a two-month old Will watching a football game. Will is wearing a Bob Marley shirt (on loan from his cousin, Jake). Jon and his brother Eric are Bob fans, so they generously loaned the onesie to Wil once Jake had grown out of it. Notice that Will is staring at the TV with the same intensity as his Daddy. Will loved watching football from day one. After I took this picture, I remember thinking that Jon would never watch football alone again. :) Will is definitely a Daddy's boy!

Now I tag Amanda A., Naomi, Becky, and Amanda (seester)

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Trip #2 to the ER

Yesterday (Monday) I took William to a MOPS playgroup at an indoor playpark. He was so excited to be around other kids and different toys, and he was completely wild! He was running around, playing in ball pits, jumping in the moon bounce, and then the bubbles began. Anyone who knows Will knows that he is a nut for bubbles. He started running around trying to pop the bubbles and bouncing off of other kids. I pulled him aside several times trying to calm him down. Once the bubbles stopped, he was still running around like a wild animal and he collided with another boy his age. I knew the second it happened that this was no ordinary booboo. His cry was unlike anything I'd ever heard him do, and he was absolutely inconsolable. He immediately wanted to get home, so we packed up and left. I told him I wanted to take him to the doctor, but he screamed that he wanted to go home and take a nap. I decided that maybe he was just completely exhausted, and I would evaluate how he felt after his nap. I talked to Jon about it, and we decided he was probably overly tired. He woke up a couple hours later in a sweat and shaking. He was still completely hysterical. That was it...I took him to the ER (for the second time since moving here). The ER was packed with Covington's finest, so I kept my little ducklings next to the door. I put Will in his stroller and carried Brighton in her carseat/carrier. Thankfully, she slept. Jon arrived just in time for xrays, and he went back with Will while I was ushered to a private room to nurse Brighton. When all the pictures were taken, the doctor came in with a sling and told us that Will had a fractured clavicle. It is a very small crack in his collarbone. She assured me that it was going to be ok, and we will be following up with an orthopedist as soon as possible. It's so hard to think of him going through that much pain. He's so little, and I hate thinking about one of his little bones with a crack in it. Keep him in your prayers as he heals. It's hard for him to understand that he can't do all of the fun little boy things he typically does. He had just started really enjoying his tractor (as you can see from the pics and video), and we are scheduled to meet with a new playgroup next week. We had a wonderful weekend together enjoying the warm weather. I was able to leave both kids for an hour to get a haircut. It took my mind off of missing Amanda and Victoria's baby showers. I wish I could've been there! Enjoy the pictures--we love you all and are looking forward to seeing you soon. (We are excited about our upcoming visitors and we'll update the blog after each visit!)

Brave William this morning (post-injury)

Will (pre-injury)

Daddy is head of YPR (Yard Poop Removal)

Will on his tractor

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Brighton is two months old!

All things Baby B

Brighton had her two month appointment today. She weighs 13.10 pounds and is 23 inches long. She is eating very well and sleeping a little better. She gets fussy in the evenings when Jon gets home. I think the combination of being tired and having a wound-up big brother is too much stimulation for her. But I know that this too shall pass, and I love waking up in mommy paradise every morning!

Bayou Babies

Bayou Babies

Rainy Day Blues

Rainy Day Blues

Lil Hokies

Lil Hokies

Baby Girl

Baby Girl

Captain William

Captain William
