Thursday, February 26, 2009

Our Mardi Gras

We have been very busy lately spending some much-needed family time. Jon did not have to work this past weekend, so he got to wake up and play with Will. Will and Daddy had a little jam session in the morning, and Will is really starting to take a bigger interest in music. He will dance to ANYTHING, and he is always trying to make music on his toys--even those that don't actually make music. Will made huge strides in potty training on Saturday. He went poopoo on the potty all by himself. He did not want Mommy or Daddy in the bathroom with him, so we left him alone with his book, Jonah and the Big Fish. After some personal time, we were delighted to hear, "Mommy, Daddy, my poops are in the potty!" I suppose he is just your typical male--he does his reading while he does his business! I have been very happy with one less messy bottom to clean! On Saturday evening, we decided to go check out the Krewe of Endymion down in the city, but once we got close, I decided that I did not want to have the kids around the chaos, so we went back to the Northshore (minus Daddy who stayed down with some coworkers to see the parade). We have been going to other more family friendly parades, which has been much easier to do now with our new double jogging stroller. This is stroller number four for us, but I think this one might be a keeper. It works well on the world's worst roads (which is what we have down here), and Will is able to entertain his sister when she fusses. She seems to be teething lately, which is not surprising since Will did the same thing for five months before he got his first tooth at seven months. Brighton is still a very smiley little girl, but she has had some bad nights :( We enjoyed Mardi Gras (Fat Tuesday). Jon did not have to work since most of the state is shut down anyway. We went to the Krewe of Covington, which could be best described in a country song. We took walks around the neighborhood and took some pictures (please enjoy--you may need to click on older posts to see all of them.) Last night, we actually got to go to a New Orleans Hornest game. We all went--including Miss B! Jon has been going the extra mile for a guy at work, so he repaid him with four tickets in a super suite! We had great seats, free food and beverages, and it was a great game (the Hornets barely beat the Pistons). Will had a great time watching "the bee," and Brighton was mesmerized by the lights and sound. She did fall asleep by the third quarter. I was even able to nurse her since there were couches in the suite, and everyone was paying attention to the game and not the baby under the blanket. It was a great family evening, and Will said, "Mommy, I loved the basketball show." We are still working on plans to visit Eastern VA in the spring to see baby Sophia (born Feb. 18) and baby Callie (due in early April). It was hard to not be around for Sophia's birth, and I try not to even think about not being around for Callie's. I will be very ready to meet my two new neices!

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