Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Our recent events and upcoming events

We have just finished a round of visitors. We entertained Ed and Caren (Grandma and Granddad) first for a weekend in mid-January. My parents came for a week over my birthday. I like to have them around every year at that time because Jon has inventory, and they are a big help with the kids while he is working. We had a good time with them, and they got to spend some time with both kids. They also did some yard work (I can never keep them out of the dirt), and we moved Brighton's room from upstairs to downstairs. I like having her room closer to ours. She seems to enjoy it too because she is sleeping better in her crib.
On my birthday, Will knocked my morning coffee over on our ibook, so we were without a computer for about 10 days. It was completely ruined, and we our now using a new laptop. We decided not to get a mac this time around, and we are both getting used to a pc again.
Will seems to be healing ok. He has no pain, and the doctor's visit went well. He should be entirely healed in a couple more weeks.
We just finished a weekend with Jon's sister Wendy, her husband, Geoff, and their boys, Brady and Zach. We had a really good time with them despite Brady's stomach bug. The boys slept in Will's room, and he had a ball with his cousins. Wendy was anxious to meet her new little neice, and I really enjoyed spending some girl time with her. Jon and Geoff had many "work" talks, and it was really good to see Jon relaxing after a very stressful inventory.
Brighton has started rolling over. She can roll completely from her stomach to her back, and she can almost roll over from her back to her stomach. She is quite a strong little baby, and she really enjoys sitting in her bumbo. Every day she is growing more and more. She is a very happy baby, and I can't get enough of her sweet, chubby cheeks!
On Monday, my Dad will be having neck surgery. He has been diagnosed with erosive arthritis. He has quite a bit of pain in his neck and down his arm. He went to see a neurosurgeon who told him that the disc was dangerously close to his spinal cord, and he should get have surgery ASAP. Please, please pray for my Dad and Mom (for his surgery and recovery and my mom's nerves and anxiety). I will be updating the blog soon with more news on how he's doing and the rest of the goings on in Schumerica.

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