Thursday, October 30, 2008

Halloween Greetings

Since I don't really have any news on the baby front, I decided to write about the rest of us. I posted a video of Will's cookie-making aftermath below. Yesterday, I decided to make pumpkin chocolate-chip cookies because I made them last Halloween for a playgroup, and they remind me of fall. I decided to see if Will would like to help with the cookie making. He loves making messes, but he really loves to "help" these days. I let him crack the eggs (he tried to crumble up the shells in the batter), and I let him stir the dry ingredients. He tried to eat a spoonful of flour, but other than that, he seemed to really enjoy himself. He was a little confused why Mommy was using his "paddle" to make cookies! I had so many cookies that I sent some with Jon for the warehouse and sales people, and Will and I are going to pass some out to the neighbors. I have really great neighbors down here who check on me daily and bring special treats to Will. We are planning on going trick-or-treating tomorrow night as long as Brighton has not made her appearance. I have a doctor's appointment this afternoon, so I guess I will know more then. We will be picking Nana up from the airport early Sunday evening. She will be taking her very first plane trip, so keep her in your thoughts and prayers! I don't think she's nervous, at least she's not letting on that she is. :) It will be a relief to have her here in case I go into labor and need someone to watch Will. I'm very excited about Mom coming, and I will have to keep busy on Sunday to not get overly anxious. Church will be a good distraction that day! We have been visiting a few churches down here, and we've found two that we like. One is a large Baptist church and the other is a small Presbyterian church. We haven't decided which one will be best for us to attend, but we are happy to have found two that could be possible church homes. We had a house guest this week. Jon's friend, Tim, came to help out in the warehouse, so we insisted he stay with us. Jon has been keeping very busy at work because of month-end responsibilities. I think he may be trying to tie up loose ends since he will be off starting on Wednesday if not sooner. I will be induced Tuesday evening if I haven't gone into active labor. I have definitely felt the nesting urge this week, and I am scurrying around trying to get last minute things finished that usually pop into my head in the middle of the night. Will has new shoes, the dog has been groomed, and my laundry is done. Now I would like to mop all of the floors, so I will update everyone with some more interesting news (hopefully) soon! For now, I have a two-year-old artist that is ready to work on his masterpiece of the day. :)

1 comment:

  1. Induction for Tuesday!! Thats exciting! Lets make this a race! ha! I had my appt this morning and it was OK - a strong 4cm and 90% effaced...still waiting....

    I am glad things are going well in NOLA for you all - btw I am loving the blog - what a great way to get into peoples lives!

    Hear from you soon!


Bayou Babies

Bayou Babies

Rainy Day Blues

Rainy Day Blues

Lil Hokies

Lil Hokies

Baby Girl

Baby Girl

Captain William

Captain William
