Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Our Little Man Turned Three!

We celebrated Will's third birthday this past Sunday. Although we had made big plans for the weekend including a trip to Gulfport and a little birthday party, the day turned out to be much more low-key. Will came down with a nasty virus that was still hanging on for his big day. I seemed to have the same virus, but mine turned into strep throat. We are all feeling better now, and Will is enjoying his new sandbox as well as the swimming lessons he got as a birthday gift from Nana and Papa. I managed to keep the tears to a minimum on the big day, but I did get a little choked up while I was reading him his annual "birthday book" from Mommy. It wasn't exactly the big day we had planned for him, but it was still a very special day for all of us, and we are very thankful for a happy and healthy three-year-old boy!

Will's new sandbox--so much for thinking he would stay cleaner with this type of sandbox!

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Turning 3 with a Lightning McQueen cake

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Brighton was eyeing Will's cake...just a few more months baby girl!!!

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Monday, August 17, 2009


This past week, we have been busy. Jon and I have been doing some things around the house to get ready for company. I decided to move all of the furniture and mop every inch of the floor after Brighton decided to eat a millipede she found crawling on the floor. The same day, Jon and I decided to throw out our old family room rug and bought a new one. Jon also revamped our old coffee table by removing the old legs, replacing them with taller ones and refinishing the whole thing. It looks great, and it functions very well for us! We have been printing pictures and hanging new ones all over the house too. Will has decided that he needs to redecorate too, so he will move furniture around or put his cars in some kind of pattern as "decoration." Brighton has been crawling very fast and is now starting to pull up and walk around the furniture. On friday, we went to our first field trip with the homeschool association that we joined. I rode down with my friend, Tiffany from church who has two little girls, Laurel (who is three) and Ava (who is 10 months). Will, in his own words, LOVES Laurel. It is so cute to see the two of them together! They had a great time with each other, and I really enjoyed talking with Tiffany--well, we probably never stopped talking, and it was really nice! I don't get to have too many adult conversations around here! We will be hosting Laurel, Ava, Tiffany and her husband, Scott on Sunday when we celebrate Will's third birthday. Each year, I am caught completely off guard by the sinking feeling that comes with his birthday. I am very thankful that he is a happy, growing, boy but I get sad thinking of his baby days. So this week, I am a little emotional, but I have a few things going on to keep my mind off of it. I am starting a little part-time job at the YMCA where I will be watching kids (Will and Brighton stay with me). I also get a free gym membership out of it, and Will is going to start swimming lessons there. I also have some birthday preparations to make, so I will be posting pics of the big day next week. For now, check out my little growing SchuSchus.

Will's new friend :)

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Brighton has started "cruising!"

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Will lined up his cars while I was in the shower...he likes to "decorate" with them :)

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Thursday, August 6, 2009

Miles and Milestones

Below you will find the pictures from the second half of our vacation. After returning from Williamsburg, I spent a little while at the lake visiting with Mom and Dad, Amanda and Callie, Granny Roo, and a couple of long lost friends. I did not get to do nearly as much as I was hoping, but we had a relaxing time remembering old times and making new memories. It was very hard to drive away from the lake, and it took two days to return to LA. It is almost 1000 miles from my parent's door to ours. On the Tuesday before we left, Brighton decided it was time to move-literally. Mom watched her crawl across the kitchen floor in the morning, and she crawled a few times in the afternoon. By the evening, I was able to capture the crawling on video, but I needed the right motivation--hence, the empty beer bottle on the floor. (Don't judge me, I tried everything!!!!)
Brighton turned 9 months yesterday, and she is crawling and pulling up to a stand. She is eating solid food very well now. I will be taking her back to the doctor soon, and I know she has put on some pounds! She is still very tan from her vacation, and her hair is coming in thicker and lighter. She is getting her top teeth (it seems all of them at once). She is still not a good sleeper at night, but I'm hoping once the teething subsides a bit, she will sleep for longer periods. I have been planning lessons for my co-op classes which begin in Sept. and also Will's homeschooling which we will begin next week! Will is going to be three years old in a few weeks, and I can't believe what a big boy he has become. Keep us in your prayers as we begin the school year and continue to cope with the extreme Louisiana heat!!!!

Brighton's first day crawling.

Will spent some time begging snacks from Nana. We did a lot of eating under the picnic shelter.

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Callie sleeping on the job--she had taken over as Captain of the boat :)

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Papa working to get both babies to sleep.

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Sleeping babies are a beautiful sight!

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Williamsburg Leg

Since Jon only got to come to VA for a week, we spent part of the week with the Taylors and part of the week with the Schumachers in Williamsburg. Grandma and Granddad rented a room at a hotel right on VA beach for a night, so that we could have a little mini-beach trip. Cousin Zach joined us for two days full of beach fun. Will had a ball doing whatever Zach was doing, and Brighton enjoyed her first dip into the ocean. We had a fantastic dinner at Mahi Mah's and even got to watch some fireworks from the boardwalk. We returned to Williamsburg for the rest of the vacation, and we spent some time at Aunt Wendy's pool with cousins, Brady, Zach, and Jake. We got to visit with family and do a little outlet shopping. Grandma and Aunt Wendy cooked some fantastic meals, and Grandma bought Brighton and Sophia thier own "girl toys" to play with (although Jake and Will seemed to like them just as much). The time went so quickly, and pretty soon Will, Brighton and I were dropping Daddy off at the Richmond airport to fly home. We had a tearful goodbye at the airport, and I returned to the lake for the rest of my VA vacation.

Grandma and Granddad holding two non-cooperative children.

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Hopefully, this will be the only time Will puts on Brighton's lipstick.

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Jake and Will are best buds!!!!

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Zach taking a beating from Will and Jake

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Will and Zach--he's a great cousin :)

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She's a rock star!

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The beach is another great place to nap!

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Brighton was not as happy to be in the sand :(

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Brighton and Grandma chillin in the surf

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Brighton loved her first dip into the ocean!

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Will has no fear of the ocean! (This makes mommy very very nervous!)

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Daddy and Brighton in the pool at VA beach

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Bayou Babies

Bayou Babies

Rainy Day Blues

Rainy Day Blues

Lil Hokies

Lil Hokies

Baby Girl

Baby Girl

Captain William

Captain William


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