Thursday, August 6, 2009

Miles and Milestones

Below you will find the pictures from the second half of our vacation. After returning from Williamsburg, I spent a little while at the lake visiting with Mom and Dad, Amanda and Callie, Granny Roo, and a couple of long lost friends. I did not get to do nearly as much as I was hoping, but we had a relaxing time remembering old times and making new memories. It was very hard to drive away from the lake, and it took two days to return to LA. It is almost 1000 miles from my parent's door to ours. On the Tuesday before we left, Brighton decided it was time to move-literally. Mom watched her crawl across the kitchen floor in the morning, and she crawled a few times in the afternoon. By the evening, I was able to capture the crawling on video, but I needed the right motivation--hence, the empty beer bottle on the floor. (Don't judge me, I tried everything!!!!)
Brighton turned 9 months yesterday, and she is crawling and pulling up to a stand. She is eating solid food very well now. I will be taking her back to the doctor soon, and I know she has put on some pounds! She is still very tan from her vacation, and her hair is coming in thicker and lighter. She is getting her top teeth (it seems all of them at once). She is still not a good sleeper at night, but I'm hoping once the teething subsides a bit, she will sleep for longer periods. I have been planning lessons for my co-op classes which begin in Sept. and also Will's homeschooling which we will begin next week! Will is going to be three years old in a few weeks, and I can't believe what a big boy he has become. Keep us in your prayers as we begin the school year and continue to cope with the extreme Louisiana heat!!!!

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