Monday, August 17, 2009


This past week, we have been busy. Jon and I have been doing some things around the house to get ready for company. I decided to move all of the furniture and mop every inch of the floor after Brighton decided to eat a millipede she found crawling on the floor. The same day, Jon and I decided to throw out our old family room rug and bought a new one. Jon also revamped our old coffee table by removing the old legs, replacing them with taller ones and refinishing the whole thing. It looks great, and it functions very well for us! We have been printing pictures and hanging new ones all over the house too. Will has decided that he needs to redecorate too, so he will move furniture around or put his cars in some kind of pattern as "decoration." Brighton has been crawling very fast and is now starting to pull up and walk around the furniture. On friday, we went to our first field trip with the homeschool association that we joined. I rode down with my friend, Tiffany from church who has two little girls, Laurel (who is three) and Ava (who is 10 months). Will, in his own words, LOVES Laurel. It is so cute to see the two of them together! They had a great time with each other, and I really enjoyed talking with Tiffany--well, we probably never stopped talking, and it was really nice! I don't get to have too many adult conversations around here! We will be hosting Laurel, Ava, Tiffany and her husband, Scott on Sunday when we celebrate Will's third birthday. Each year, I am caught completely off guard by the sinking feeling that comes with his birthday. I am very thankful that he is a happy, growing, boy but I get sad thinking of his baby days. So this week, I am a little emotional, but I have a few things going on to keep my mind off of it. I am starting a little part-time job at the YMCA where I will be watching kids (Will and Brighton stay with me). I also get a free gym membership out of it, and Will is going to start swimming lessons there. I also have some birthday preparations to make, so I will be posting pics of the big day next week. For now, check out my little growing SchuSchus.

1 comment:

  1. I thought 3 was pretty easy. Turning 1 was a wreck for me, and 2 was hard as well. Alex turned 3 last week, and it was - ok. I took him for his well check, and they weighed him on the adult scale and took his blood pressure. *sniff* They are growing up so fast!!

    Happy Birthday Will!!


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