Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Our Little Man Turned Three!

We celebrated Will's third birthday this past Sunday. Although we had made big plans for the weekend including a trip to Gulfport and a little birthday party, the day turned out to be much more low-key. Will came down with a nasty virus that was still hanging on for his big day. I seemed to have the same virus, but mine turned into strep throat. We are all feeling better now, and Will is enjoying his new sandbox as well as the swimming lessons he got as a birthday gift from Nana and Papa. I managed to keep the tears to a minimum on the big day, but I did get a little choked up while I was reading him his annual "birthday book" from Mommy. It wasn't exactly the big day we had planned for him, but it was still a very special day for all of us, and we are very thankful for a happy and healthy three-year-old boy!

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